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February 4, 2009
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott, Ken Strom, Dan Hazen and Anthony Costello

Members Absent: Robert Lowell, Leonard Anderson

Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others: Kristen Trudell, Jim Robinson, David Getman, Robert DiVerdi, Carl Hultgren and J. Shuris

The meeting began at 7:05 PM.

AMENDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Salisbury Street - NSTAR - R. Kirby presented a proposal to add sidewalk work to the original Order of Conditions. The amended order would include new sidewalks from Fox Hill Dr. to Twinbrooke Dr. and reconstructed sidewalks from Twinbrooke Dr. to Dawson School. J. Shuris, DPW Director, introduced himself to the Commission and described the involvement the town has in this project. The Commission brought forth possible ponding issues at the drop inlet located by Dawson Pond. Further discussion ensued. M. Scott made a motion to close the hearing. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor. K. Strom made a motion to issue an Amended Order of Conditions referencing the new set of plans. M. Scott seconded. All were in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Doyle Road - Town of Holden - R. Kirby presented a proposal to reconstruct the sidewalks from Shrewsbury Street to Nelson Street and to add some improvements to the intersection of Shrewsbury Street and Doyle. These improvements include additional signage, wheelchair ramps, and curb realignment. They are also replacing 3 existing catch basins with deep sumps and hoods and realigning 6 existing catch basins in accordance with the improvements to the intersection. M. Scott made a motion to close the meeting and issue a standard Order of Conditions. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - 315 Mason Road - Continued until March 4, 2009.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - Applicants requested a continuance until the next meeting on March 4, 2009.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Holden Storage - 789 Wachusett Street - C. Hultgren presented a proposal to construct a 100' x 200' contractors building with a paved parking area. M. Kennedy questioned the height of curb #77. He felt that the runoff was overestimated because of the sandy soils and asked that the calculations be re-examined. Continued until next meeting on March 4, 2009.

ENFORCEMENT ORDER - 96 Malden Street - K. Strom could not walk the site due to weather.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Wagner Meadows - Lot 13 and Lot 26 - (Lot 13) Homeowner has put a shed on the wetland boundary. (Lot 26) Replication has not been completed. P. Harding has notified residents of violations.

MINUTES - November 7, 2009 - No Quorum
December 5, 2008 - A. Costello made a motion to approve the minutes as written. K. Strom seconded the motion with D. Hazen abstaining.

WHITE OAK - Kinneywood Project - White Oak Land Conservation Society requests a letter of support from the Conservation Commission for the Society's application to the EOEEA Conservation Partnership Grant for the preservation of a 53-acre parcel owned by Camp Kinneywood. D. Hazen made a motion to support the resolution. K. Strom seconded. All were in favor.

ZONE A REGULATIONS - The Commission discussed the interpretation of the current DEP regulations, which prohibit the discharge to a tributary in a Zone A water source.

K. Strom made the motion to close the hearing. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2009.

February 4, 2009 minutes approved: March 18, 2009.

Teresa McIntyre, Recording Secretary